Hey there - I'm Toni Harman.
I am on a mission to change the health
of the next generation.
Want to join me?
My Story
13 years ago, I was pregnant and wanted to make all the best choices for my child.Â
To fully prepare myself, I took not one but TWO different childbirth education classes, and a separate breastfeeding class.
I planned a home birth and wanted to exclusively breastfeed.
Instead, I ended up having an emergency C-section, struggled to breastfeed, and ended up "topping up" with infant formula.
I landed so far from my birth and breastfeeding plan. I kept asking myself….
A 10 Year Search For the 'Missing Piece'
What happened next?
Questions about what might be missing from childbirth and lactation education sent my partner, Alex Wakeford and I, on a 10 year journey around the world.
Over the past decade, we have interviewed hundreds of different experts to find a 'missing piece' - something to help fully inform all parents.
Featuring leading professors from top universities, we are so proud that our film MICROBIRTH,
has been broadcast around the world, and has had over 1,000 public screenings.
Not just that. MICROBIRTH has won
several science film festivals.
To provide continuing education about the infant microbiome for health professionals, we founded an online school (MICROBIOME COURSES) - now with over 34,000 enrolled members.
Now we believe we have found
the 'missing piece'....
What is this 'missing piece'?
All expectant parents need to know about the microscopic events happening during birth and breastfeeding.
These events have the potential to impact
a child's lifelong health.
We call this the infant microbiome.
What is the infant microbiome?
VERY SIMPLY: Vaginal birth transfers the birth parent's beneficial vaginal, gut and skin microbes to the baby.
Special sugars in breast milk feed those beneficial microbes newly arrived in the baby's gut.
This "seed and feed" process helps optimally train the infant immune system.
This can help protect a baby for life.
But there is so much more to explain....
This is essential knowledge that can TRULY
empower ALL parents - whether a baby is born
by C-section or by vaginal birth.
This is why we have created....
MICROBIRTH Approved Educator Programme
Childbirth educators, doulas, midwives, hypnobirthing instructors, lactation educators & anyone passionate about birth and breastfeeding
YOU WANT something new, fresh, unbiased and evidence-based to teach expectant parents.
YOU WANT to play a key role in changing the health of the next generation.
YOU WANT a step-to-step path to help YOU create a sustainable business.
Join us to become a
- Approved Educator!
With our SIMPLE 4 STEP system, you can be teaching
science to parents within weeks!
What is the
MICROBIRTH Approved Educator
This is a ready-made evidence-based
to teach parents how birth and breastfeeding may impact a child's lifelong health.
This is a simple FOUR STEP PROGRAMME giving you everything you need to teach parents about the microscopic events happening during pregnancy, labour, vaginal birth, C-section, immediate skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding and early infancy.
MICROBIRTH Approved Educator
FOUR Steps To Success!
What to expect
for Step 1:
Foundation Course
You're going to fully understand the science of the infant microbiome by taking our 5 hour accredited online course.
You will be learning from 11 top University professors:
And you can earn 5 HOURS CPD / CE
What to expect
for Step 2:
You're going to have your knowledge assessed by taking a 90 question graded assessment.
If you pass, you'll qualify as a Microbiome Baby Approved Instructor!
What to expect
for Step 3:
You're going to have access to all the tools and resources included in our TOOLKIT.
Evidence-based slidedecks, 15 minute "Plug and Play" video, 18 info sheets, animated videos, infographics, parent engagement tools (bingo, fun quiz & colouring sheets), parent handouts, evaluations, certificate & 4 lessons plans.
What to expect
for Step 4:
You're going to have intensive training on how to use all the elements in the toolkit.

Plus the marketing materials and guidance so you can successfully launch your class to teach parents the wonders of the infant microbiome!
Why Join?
>>> ONE-STOP-SHOP programme enabling you to teach parents within weeks!
>>> Developed with leading University
professors who are experts in their field.
>>> Includes ready-made evidence-based toolkit & full training.
>>> Includes badge for your website
& directory listing.
Brilliant reaction from 80 Beta-Testers!
Over 80 doulas, childbirth educators, midwives and lactation experts from around the world have been Beta-Testing our tools and resources over the past 6 months.
We'll be launching the programme with a BIG SPLASH early in 2022 so if you join now, you can take advantage of the special Early-bird discounted price - and you can participate in the last stage of Beta-Testing!
Here's what Monica, a doula from Germany, thinks of being part of the Microbiome Baby Approved Instructor programme.
Microbiome Foundation Course
5 hour self-guided course
SESSION ONE: About the human microbiome
SESSION TWO: Pregnancy and the microbiome
SESSION THREE: Vaginal birth and the microbiome
SESSION FOUR: C-section and the microbiome
SESSION FIVE: Breastfeeding and the microbiome
Approved for:
Accepted by ACM, ACNM, MEAC, NMC, CAPPA, Lamaze International, DONA International, ICEA and more
Featuring 11 top University Professors
Professor of Medicine and Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, and Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome at Rutgers University
Henry Rutgers Professor of Microbiome and Health, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, and of Anthropology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Emeritus Professor of Immunotoxicology, Cornell University and author The Human Superorganism
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta
Professor of Surgery, Microbiology & Immunology, University of Western Ontario, Director of the Canadian Centre for Human Microbiome and Probiotic Research, Lawson Health Research Institute
Vernice D Ferguson Professor in Heath Equity, New York University
Executive Director of the Kinsey Institute and Rudy Professor of Biology at Indiana University
Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Visiting Professor of Midwifery, King’s College London
Professor of Midwifery, Western Sydney University
Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics, Imperial College London
PLUS 2 Lactation Experts
IBCLC, Author, International Breastfeeding Speaker
Author of Milk Matters: Infant Feeding and Immune Disorder
Approved Educator
What is in the Toolkit?
1 x 15 minute 15 MIN PLUG & PLAY VIDEO
18 x Info Sheets
(with full scientific references)
2 x Classroom Slidedecks
3 x Animated explainer videos
2 x Infographics
3 x Parent Handouts
3 x Parent Engagement Tools
1 Certificate of Attendance (for parents)
1 x Evaluation (for parents)
4 x Lesson Plans
(50-60 mins, 30-40 mins, 20 mins)
& Lesson Plan for "retreat" style workshop of 3 x 60 mins sessions
To be inclusive, most of the tools are available in two language versions.
One version of the tools uses more female-centred language (referring to woman / mother / she / her and breastfeeding).
An alternative uses more gender-neutral language (referring to expectant person / birth parent / they and chest/breastfeeding).
Click HERE for a sneak peek inside the Toolkit.
Or click this link:
Programme Perks:
Covers C-section and vaginal birth - so information would be helpful for all birthing situations
Access to a private community just for MICROBIRTH Approved Educators
You won't be alone = you'll be able to take part in
bi-monthly Zoom get-togethers and extra trainings
Full support and priority email access to
Toni Harman, the creator of the MICROBIRTH Approved Educator programme
Includes full set of done-for-you marketing materials, graphics, swipe copy and full training on how to use the tools
Includes badge for your website and directory listing
MICROBIRTH Approved Educators
What are the benefits for YOU?
Option 1. You could include it in your parent education class.
Option 2. You could include it when talking about breastfeeding.
Option 3 (new and exciting!): Or you could set up a standalone class for parents EARLY in pregnancy
This could be a powerful & EASY way
to attract new clients
With an infant microbiome class
held EARLY in pregnancy
YOU can meet and personally connect with
expectant parents AT AN EARLIER STAGE.
The information has a longer time to "sink in" - EMPOWERING PARENTS to make more fully informed decisions later in pregnancy.
By meeting parents early in pregnancy, YOU could be meeting future clients AHEAD of your competitors.
YOU would be FIRST IN LINE when the parent is choosing a doula, educator, midwife, lactation expert or other professional LATER in their pregnancy.
= YOU can attract MORE clients earlier
= YOU can have MORE clients later
= YOU can generate MORE revenue
= YOU can become MORE sustainable
= YOU can help MORE people
You might have some questions - so we have the answers for you!
If your question isn't answered below, do send me a message via the CONTACT FORM
Who is this programme for?
Parent educators and health professionals who want to teach parents including: antenatal teachers, childbirth educators, lactation educators, doctors, midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, hypnobirth instructors, breastfeeding counsellors, health practitioners and other health professionals.
Can I use these tools to teach other health professionals?
Yes, but......These tools offer a very SIMPLE basic-level understanding of the infant microbiome. The level of science is TOO BASIC if health professionals are going to be supporting parents in their birth and infant feeding choices. All health professionals would ideally need a MUCH DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of this science.
We recommend health professionals either take the MICROBIRTH Approved Educator programme themselves, or take one of our other full-length courses: https://microbirth.teachable.com
How much can I save with the Early Bird pricing?
We will be officially launching the MICROBIRTH APPROVED EDUCATOR programme later in 2023 with a big splash - so if you join now, you can take advantage of the special discounted Early Bird pricing. We haven't finalised the launch price, but it will be significantly more than the Early Bird price. If you join now, not only will you be saving money, but also once you have qualified as an Approved Educator (by passing the Assessment) you can start teaching the MICROBIRTH Class curriculum straight away, even before the big launch.