This is for you if you are a:

✅Childbirth Educator ✅Doula ✅Midwife ✅Lactation Consultant✅ Other Health Professtional

Join the live webinar to find out about the NEW WAY
to teach parents about the microbiome


Learn how YOU could be teaching the class

in as little as 6 weeks!

Join Toni Harman for a LIVE webinar:
DATE: Wed 15th Jan
12 noon Pacific Time
3pm Eastern Time
8pm UK Time

Click >>> HERE <<< to find out the time this in other parts of the world

Yes! A replay will be available if you can't join live!
PLUS: Sign up to the webinar and receive a free gift worth $200

What is a

MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class?

It's a ready-to-go, comprehensive 2 Hour live workshop-style class
To help you explain the microbiome to expectant parents
To empower choices during pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
No need to create your own materials!

Sign up to the webinar for a preview of MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class!


Hey - I'm Toni Harman


I've created a PLUG-AND-PLAY READY-TO-GO Class that any health professional can use to teach parents about the infant microbiome.

This is evidence-based, interactive, fun and practical - WITHOUT the stress of having to create your own resources.

PLUS all the marketing tools you need to fill your 2 Hour Workshop-Style MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class.

Ready to learn more?

Join the live on Wednesday 15th January

Join Toni Harman for a LIVE webinar:
DATE: Wed 15th Jan
12 noon Pacific Time
3pm Eastern Time
8pm UK Time

Click >>> HERE <<< to find out what time this is in other par the world

The webinar will give you:

 ✅A preview of all the Teaching and Marketing materials for the MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class
✅ I’ll show you exactly how YOU can run your own MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class in as little as 6 weeks!
✅BONUS: If you sign up to the free webinar, you’ll save $200 if you join the Jan 2025 cohort!



How do you teach a MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class?

You become certified as a



Certification Programme (FEDANT APPROVED)

Become Certified to teach the infant microbiome to expectant parents
- have your class launched in as little as 6 weeks!

Programme Start Date: Monday 27th January 2025

(Join now and you can have instant access to this!)

➡️> Microbiome Foundation Course (with 5 hours CPD / CE credits)

➡️> Graded Assessment

➡️> Certificate of Completion

➡️> You can download the Badge

➡️> Listing in Global Directory of Microbirth Approved Providers

(Join now and you can have instant access to this!)

➡️> Step-By Step Training on how to run a 2 Hour LIVE Workshop style class about the infant microbiome for expectant parents (can be incorporated as part of an antenatal live class or as a stand-alone live class)

➡️> Ready-To-Use Toolkit of evidence-based digital resources

➡️> Includes PPT slidedecks, animations, videos, interactive class games and activities & detailed ste-by-step lesson plan

➡️> Includes 2 Parent Handouts - a 46 Page Parent Handbook to answer parent questions (all evidence-based) and a 23 Page Parent Guide with Microbiome-Mindful Diet & Lifestyle Suggestions



(30 Day Fast-Track Launch challenge begins 27th January 2025)

➡️ > Step-by-step training on how to set up, organise and launch your class

➡️ > Includes a Personalisable evidence-based "Lead Magnet" you can use to fill your classes

➡️ > Full training how to set up your "lead magnet"

➡️ > Full training how to set up a registration page & take payments for your class

➡️ > Full training on How to create a sales page, how to optimise your social media, how to find your first clients, how to take payments, plus marketing basics so you can fill your classes - everything you need to do so you are ready to launch your Microbirth Prenatal Class!


➡️ > QUICK START: Guides, Worksheets, Checklists and everything you need to get started fast

➡️ > TECH STACK - Checklist of all the tech you need to run your classes (all free or super low-price!)

➡️ > ACCESS TO PRIVATE COMMUNITY on Facebook so you can stay accountable

➡️ > REGULAR LIVE GROUP ZOOM CALLS (at least once a month)

➡️ > PRIORITY SUPPORT from the Microbirth Approved Provider team so you can continue to make progress!

➡️PLUS ONE-YEAR ACCESS to the whole Programme - so you can go-at-your-own pace (or watch everything again and again!)

Prerequisites to course entry:
Degree level qualification or evidence of a minimum of 1 year experience working in an appropriate and related field with expectant and new parents e.g. childbirth education, doula, midwifery, lactation support.

What do our 100+ educators think of the


What do people think of the

MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class?

You might have some questions - so we have the answers for you!

If your question isn't answered below, do send me a message via the CONTACT FORM



When is the live webinar?
Wed 15th January 2025
12 noon Pacific Time
3pm Eastern Time
8pm UK Time
Click >>> HERE <<< to find out the time in other parts of the world.
A replay is available if you can't join live.


How do I find out more about joining the January 2025 cohort?
By coming on the live webinar on Wed 15th January 2025!
Or for more details:
Click >>> HERE <<< to view the January 2025 Cohort Sales Page


Who can become a MICROBIRTH APPROVED PROVIDER to teach a MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class?
Parent educators and health professionals who want to teach parents including: antenatal teachers, childbirth educators, lactation educators, doctors, midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, hypnobirth instructors, breastfeeding counsellors, health practitioners and other health professionals.

Prerequisites to course entry:
Degree level qualification or evidence of a minimum of 1 year experience working in an appropriate and related field with expectant and new parents e.g. childbirth education, doula, midwifery, lactation support.

What are the 5 Hours CPD/CE?
The Microbiome Foundation Course has been approved for:

5 HOURS CPD Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives.

5 HOURS CE credits (equivalent of 5 CONTACT HOURS) by Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC)

Accepted as 5 Hours CPD/CE by

ACM, NMC, MEAC, Lamaze International, DONA International, CAPPA and ICEA.

What does it mean approved by FEDANT?

The Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT) has approved the MICROBIRTH APPROVED PROVIDER programme (called MICROBIRTH AWARD on the FEDANT list of Approved Providers)

FEDANT NRSA Course Number: 1012631/332

FEDANT administer the professional standards for education, to make sure Antenatal Educators, Breastfeeding Counsellors and Doulas have the right skills and qualities to be entered onto the National Register.

It is the role of the regulator to ensure that individuals admitted to the National Register are competent to practice (They also administer the professional standards for Continuing Professional Development – CPD).

After they initially qualify; Antenatal Educators, Breastfeeding Counsellors and Doulas must continually train and take part in learning activities to demonstrate that their skills and knowledge are up to date.

FEDANT Approved Courses have completed the National Course Accreditation and Verification (NCAV) process. This process ensures that accredited courses are operating within agreed parameters and include a set of core elements as defined by the profession.

Graduates from FEDANT accredited courses (that’s you!) which have been approved via the NCAV process (that’s us!) are seen to meet the educational requirements for admission to the National Register.

Course accreditation is a ‘mark of quality’. Courses granted FEDANT NCAV or NRSA accreditation are evidenced to be well structured, contain the core elements where applicable and are relevant to the profession.

  1. A FEDANT accredited course demonstrates success in satisfying the demanding requirements of the national regulatory body and the benchmarks of a respected quality assurance framework.
  2. The provider of an accredited course is entitled to use the FEDANT logo on their websites and promotional materials.
  3. FEDANT NCAV and NRSA courses have recognition within the industry, with employers and service commissioners. Accredited courses are listed on the Accredited Education Provider page of the FEDANT website.
  4. Accreditation shows commitment to professionalism in the field of Antenatal Education and willingness to engage with the wider professional and employer community.
  5. Students on the accredited course are entitled to use the reduced rate FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance policy for students whilst training.
  6. Graduates from applicable accredited courses have the right to apply for direct admission to the FEDANT National Register.
  7. Graduates from applicable accredited courses who attain FEDANT Registration are entitled to use the reduced rate FEDANT Block Scheme Insurance policy.



Can I use these tools to teach other health professionals?
Not really because......These tools offer a very SIMPLE basic-level understanding of the infant microbiome. The level of science is TOO BASIC if health professionals are going to be supporting parents in their birth and infant feeding choices. All health professionals would ideally need a MUCH DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of this science.

We recommend health professionals either take the MICROBIRTH Approved Provider programme themselves, or take one of our other full-length courses:



When to offer a MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class?
The flexible format means you can "slot" this teaching into your own existing parent childbirth education class in the 3rd trimester, or teach it as a stand-alone 2 hour workshop style training ideally EARLY IN PREGNANCY (1st or 2nd trimester).
If you teach the science of the infant microbiome EARLY, you can help expectant parents make more empowered informed choices later in pregnancy, especially decisions around their birth (either vaginal birth or C-section), and how to feed their baby.

You can use an MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class EARLY IN PREGNANCY to form a close personal connection with parents early on (ahead of other educators), so you become the first choice LATER in pregnancy - for example, when parents are choosing their childbirth educator, doula, hypnobirth instructor, midwife, doctor, lactation expert etc.



Why a LIVE class?
In a LIVE class, you can answer questions immediately, with confidence, with accuracy, supported by evidence-based research. This will help quickly alleviate any worries or concerns.



Can I copy the materials?
No. All our materials, resources and Teaching Tools are copyright protected. You can use our Teaching Tools to teach your own classes or in 1-to-1 consultations under the terms of the license agreement, but you cannot duplicate, edit, sell on, or "rip-off" our resources, or share with an organisation/instititution or group. We take our copyright very seriously and we reserve the right to take action against those who breach our copyright.



Can I use any of these materials on my own website or use as a "lead capture"?
Yes - as part of the 30 Day Launch Challenge, we have created a personalizable FREE DOWNLOAD you can use to attract new parents to your classes. You can use this on your own website as a "lead capture" to bring in potential clients or capture email addresses. ALL OTHER Materials CANNOT be used as a Lead Magnet - These materials are intended to be used to teach your own live classes or in 1-to-1 consultations.


Can I use these materials in my own online course?
None of the materials in the Toolkit (apart from the Personalizable Lead Magnet) can be made permanently available online as part of a digital online course or recorded workshop - because this will be unfair to other Microbirth Approved Providers who are teaching live classes.



Can I use these materials for Institutional Use, for example, to teach classes at University?
You DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION to use these materials for Institutional Use. They CANNOT be used to teach within a University, School or other Institution.
These tools teach a very simple BASIC-LEVEL introduction. This level is NOT ENOUGH to teach healthcare professionals who are supporting pregnant or new parents, or for example Midwifery students studying at a University.
Ideally, we recommend ALL health professionals and all University students to take one of our full-length Microbiome Courses (especially if they support pregnant or new parents) or to become a MICROBIRTH Approved Provider themselves!



Can my organisation use these resources?
These resources are for INDIVIDUAL use only, by one person in a class (either online or in real-life).

One payment = one license = one person.

Please contact us to discuss a license to use these resources by an organisation or an institution, or for group use.



Can parents become MICROBIRTH Approved Providers?
Yes, although this content is primarily aimed at health professionals. Please be aware that the information provided within the resources and Toolkit is for general information only. We cannot give advice relating to specific medical matters. If you have any concerns about your own or your baby's health, please consult your health care provider.



How much could I earn?
What you charge for your classes, how many hours you choose to work and how many parents you teach will determine how much you earn. Obviously, the more people you teach, or the higher prices you charge, the more you could earn.

This is emerging science, and you will be amongst the very first in the world to teach this critical cutting-edge science to parents. What you make of this opportunity is up to you.

If you already offer parent educational classes, you could potentially charge more for your classes by including the MICROBIRTH Prenatal Class curriculum (note MICROBIRTH is a registered trademark)


Earnings Disclaimer:

There are no guarantees. As with any business, how much money an individual can earn through teaching the MICROBIRTH
curriculum will depend on your own experience, dedication, capacity and desire. If you choose to join this programme, you accept the risk that the earnings and income differ by indivudal. You also accept that there are no guarantees of individual success.
As a MICROBIRTH Approved Provider, you will be licensed to use our curriculum in your classes. However, you would be working as an independent educator for your own business. As you will be your own boss, you will be responsible for your own insurance, taxes and expenses.



Can I share my tools with other health professionals?
No. These tools are for the use of ONE PERSON ONLY.

One purchase = one individual = one license

Contact us to ask about GROUP DISCOUNTS for organisations, institutions or small groups of people!

CONTACT US - using the contact form on the MICROBIRTH website:


If you are not satisfied for any reason, we offer a 14 day full money-back guarantee.

To cancel within 14 days after purchase, simply contact us.

Once cancelled, your license will be terminated. You will not be able to use any of the MICROBIRTH curriculum. Any downloaded tools or materials will then need to be deleted or destroyed.


Any more questions?

CONTACT US - using the contact form on the MICROBIRTH website:


In summary, why should I become a MICROBIRTH Approved Provider?
By becoming a MICROBIRTH Approved Provider you will be helping to prepare and empower parents-to-be for ther birth and infant feeding choices.

With this knowledge, you could be helping transform the health of the next generation.

I hope you decide to join us.

Toni Harman, Founder,

MICROBIRTH Approved Provider programme

PLEASE NOTE: MICROBIRTH is a registered trademark