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Course Instructions
Session 1. Introduction to the microbiome
1. Session One - Objectives
2. VIDEO: Introduction to the science of childbirth (2:53)
3. Explanation of the human microbiome
4. VIDEO: What is the microbiome? (5:42)
5. Microbiome and human health
6. VIDEO: Connection between the microbiome and human health (5:51)
7. How humans are impacting the microbiome
8. VIDEO: Concerns for the future (4:34)
9. To safeguard human health
10. VIDEO: Potential importance of microbes during conception (1:56)
11. Session One - Test
12. Discussion Forum & Reflection On Learning.
Session 2. Microbiome and pregnancy
1. Session Two - objectives
2. VIDEO: The microbiome and pregnancy (2:03)
3a. Maternal heritage
3b. Group B Strep
4. VIDEO: How a mother's microbiome changes during pregnancy (2:31)
5. How a mother's microbiome changes during pregnancy
6. VIDEO: Focus on potential prenatal exposures during pregnancy (6:05)
7. Fetus exposed to microbes during pregnancy
8. Session Two - Test
9. Discussion Forum & Reflection on Learning
Session 3. Microbiome and vaginal birth
1. Session Three - Objectives
2. VIDEO: The microbiome and vaginal birth (4:01)
3. Main seeding event for vaginal birth
4. VIDEO: The microbiome and the developing immune system (5:18)
5. Microbiome and development of the infant immune system
6. VIDEO: The progression of microbes in pregnancy, birth & infancy (3:38)
7. One chance for immune training
8. Session Three - Test
9. Discussion Forum & Reflection On Learning.
Session 4. Microbiome and C-section
1. Session Four - objectives
2. VIDEO: The microbiome and C-section (7:26)
3. Potential impact of C-section on infant microbiome
4. VIDEO: C-section and longer term health problems (3:19)
5. C-section and increased risk of non-communicable disease
6. VIDEO: Association or causation? (3:04)
7. Possible solutions for babies born by C-section?
8. VIDEO: C-section and 'swab-seeding' (7:12)
9. Session Four - Test
10. Discussion Forum & Reflection On Learning.
Session 5. Microbiome and breastfeeding
1. Session Five - objectives
2. VIDEO: Benefits of skin-to-skin (5:21)
3. Breast milk as ideal first food
4. VIDEO: Breast milk as baby’s first food (2:33)
5. Components of breast milk
6. VIDEO: The microbiome and breast milk (4:41)
7. Human milk oligosaccharides and other bioactive components
8. VIDEO: Breast milk and the development of infant immune system (4:15)
9. The impact of formula feeding
10. VIDEO: The impact of formula feeding on infant health (2:22)
11. Sensitivity of this information for parents
12. VIDEO: Guilt and infant feeding (1:26)
13. Summing up and references
14. VIDEO: Breastfeeding provides more than breast milk (3:34)
15. Session Five - Test
16. Discussion Forum & Reflection On Learning
Part One: Pregnancy
Part Two: Vaginal Birth
Part Three: C-section
Part Four: Breastfeeding
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7. One chance for immune training
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