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Session 1. Introduction to human milk
1. Session One - Learning Objectives
2. VIDEO: Meet the experts (3:50)
3. The evolution of lacation
4. VIDEO: The evolution of lactation (4:06)
5. The production of breast milk
6. VIDEO: How is breast milk produced by the mother? (2:37)
7. Lactogenesis
8. VIDEO: Why is human milk so special? (4:07)
9. Session One: Main components of breast milk
10. Session One - Scientfic references
11. Session One - Graded Test
12. Session One - Downloadable handouts
13. Session One: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session One Further Learning: What is in human milk?
1. Nutritive components of breast milk
2. VIDEO: What is in human breast milk (3:29)
3. Non-nutrititive components of breast milk
4. Further Learning Session One: Scientific references
5. Further Learning Session One: Graded Test
6. Further Learning Session One: Downloadable Handouts
7. Further Learning Session One: Discussion Forum (to reflect course content)
Session One: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: Why is the microbiome so important for lifelong health? (1:07)
EXTRA VIDEO: Is there an optimal window to breastfeed? (0:47)
EXTRA VIDEO: Why does a baby need breast milk? (1:15)
Session Two: Microbes in breast milk
1. Session Two - Learning Objectives
2. Amounts and types of microbes in human milk
3. VIDEO: Microbes in human breast milk (3:36)
4. The uniqueness of microbes in breast milk
5. Session Two: Scientific references
6. Session Two: Graded Test
7. Session Two: Downloadable Handouts
8. Session Two: Discussion Forum and Reflection
Session Two Further Learning: Microbes in human milk
1. Origins of microbes in human milk
2. VIDEO: Origin of microbes in human milk (0:59)
3.. Impact of antibiotics on human milk
4. Further Learning Session Two: Scientific references
5. Further Learning Session Two: Graded Test
6. Further Learning Session Two: Downloadable Handouts
7. Further Learning Session Two: Discussion Forum (reflect on course content)
Session Two: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: How does a mother's microbiome prepare for birth & breastfeeding? (0:47)
SUGGESTED READING: Articles on microbes in human milk
Session 3. HMOs in human milk
1. Session Three -Learning objectives
2. Definition of human milk oligosaccharides
3. VIDEO: What are human milk oligosaccharides? (1:10)
4. Chemistry of human milk oligosaccharides
5. VIDEO: Chemistry of human milk oligosaccharides (2:14)
6. Types and quantities of HMOs in human breast milk
7. VIDEO: Types and quantities of HMOs in human milk (1:43)
8. Quantity of HMOs decrease over time
9. Session Three: Scientific references
10. Session Three - Graded Test
11. Session Three - Downloadable Handouts
12. Session Three: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Three Further Learning: HMOs in human milk
1. Further Learning: More on chemisty of HMOs
2. VIDEO: Types of oligosaccharides in humans and other mammals (3:03)
3. Oligosaccharides in humans and other mammals
4. VIDEO: How are HMOs produced by the mother? (2:48)
5. Where and when are HMOs produced
6. Further Learning Session Three: Scientific references
7. Further Learning Session Three: Graded Test
8. Further Learning Session Three: Downloadable Handouts
9. Further Learning Session Three: Discussion Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Three: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: Discovery of HMOs in human milk (1:04)
EXTRA VIDEO: Evolution of HMOs (1:08)
Session 4. Variation of HMOs in different mothers
1. Session Four - Learning objectives
2. Diversity of HMOs produced by different mothers
3. VIDEO: Diversity of HMOs produced by different mothers (2:48)
4. Concentrations of HMOs
5. VIDEO: HMOs changing over period of lactation (2:21)
6. HMOs changing over period of lactation
7. VIDEO: HMOs in Colostrum (2:05)
8. Genetics and secretor status
9. VIDEO: How can you tell if someone is a secretor or non-secretor? (0:58)
10. Difference between secretors and non-secretors in human milk
11. Session Four: Science references
12. Session Four - Graded Test
13. Session Four - Downloadable Handouts
14. Session Four: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Four Further Learning: Secretors and non-secretors
1. Further explanation about secretors and non-secretors
2. VIDEO: Difference between secretors and non-secretors? (1:34)
3. Variation in secretors vs non-secretors around the world
4. VIDEO: Advantages of being a secretor or a non-secretor (1:55)
5. Advantages of being a non-secretor
6. Further Learning Session Four: Scientific references
7. Further Learning Session Four: Graded Test
8. Further Learning Session Four: Downloadable Handouts
9. Further Learning Session Four: Discussion Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Four: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: Simple explanation of secretors vs non-secretors (1:00)
SUGGESTED READING: Articles on secretors versus non-secretors
Session 5. HMOs and microbes in the infant gut
1. Session Five - Learning objectives
2. Difference between probiotics and prebiotics
3. VIDEO: Difference between probiotics and prebiotics (1:59)
4. Possible prenatal exposures in the womb
5. VIDEO: Is a baby born ‘sterile’? (1:16)
6. Connection between microbes acquired from birth and HMOs
7. VIDEO: Connection between microbes from birth & HMOs in breast milk (1:42)
8. How does C-section affect the ‘seed and feed’ process?
9. Session Five: Science references
10. Session Five - Graded Test
11. Session Five - Downloadable Handouts
12. Session Five: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Five: Further Learning
1. Why only certain microbes can digest HMOs
2. VIDEO: The types of microorganisms that can digest HMOs? (2:29)
3. What is special about bifidobacteria?
4. VIDEO: What is special about bifidobacteria? (4:38)
5. Impact of C-section antibiotics and formula feeding
6. VIDEO: Why are some types of microbes that consume HMOs ‘missing’? (3:24)
7. Further Learning Session Five: Scientific references
8. Further Learning Session Five: Graded Test
9. Further Learning Session Five: Downloadable Handouts
10. Further Learning Session Five: Discussion Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Five: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: HMOs are the perfect food for beneficial gut microbes (1:02)
EXTRA VIDEO: Fermentation of HMOs and No. of poops per day (1:33)
EXTRA VIDEO: Why is B. infantis so special? (1:06)
EXTRA VIDEO: What should mothers know about B. Infantis? (1:42)
EXTRA VIDEO: Why might B. Infantis be missing in some breastfed infants? (3:05)
Session 6. Breast milk and infant immune training
1. Session Six - Learning objectives
2. Key immune components transferred to a baby in human milk
3. VIDEO: The importance of breast milk for the infant immune system (0:32)
4. The infant is born with an immature immune system
5. VIDEO: The gut microbiome & development of infant immune system (2:01)
6. The training of the infant immune system
7. VIDEO: The training of the infant immune system (2:38)
8. Role of HMOs in immune system training
9. VIDEO: Impact of HMOs on child health (1:50)
10. Summary of seed & feed process for optimal immune training
11. Session Six: Science references
12. Session Six - Graded Test
13. Session Six - Downloadable Handouts
14. Session Six: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Six Further Learning: Summary of “Seed and Feed” Process
1. Summary of Seed and Feed process: Birth and breastfeeding
2. Further Learning Session Six: Scientific references
3. Further Learning Session Six: Graded Test
4. Further Learning Session Six: Downloadable Handouts
5. Further Learning Session Six: Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Six: Bonus Extras
SUGGESTED READING: Articles and research papers on the "seed and feed" process
Session 7. How HMOs affect infant body systems
1. Session Seven - Learning objectives
2. Fermentation of HMOs produces short chain fatty acids
3. VIDEO: Fermentation of HMOs produces short-chain fatty acids (2:18)
4 HMOs help improve the gut barrier
5. VIDEO: HMOs help improve the gut barrier (1:17)
6. Summary of benefits of short-chain fatty acids
7. VIDEO: Summary of benefits of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (1:10)
8. The sealing of the infant gut
9. VIDEO: The sealing of the infant gut (1:33)
10. HMOs block crowd out attach to and trick pathogens
11. VIDEO: HMOs block, crowd out, attach to and trick pathogens (2:46)
12. HMOs and epithelial cells
13. Session Seven: Science references
14. Session Seven - Graded Test
15. Session Seven - Downloadable Handouts
16. Session Seven: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Seven: Further Learning
1. HMOS can help protect against certain diseases
2. VIDEO: Can HMOs help protect against asthma / GBS / NEC? (1:43)
3. Could HMOs directly affect other body systems
4. VIDEO: Can HMOs influence other body systems? (2:24)
5. HMOs and brain development
6. VIDEO: Breast milk and infant brain development (2:07)
7. Further Learning Session Seven: Scientific references
8. Further Learning Session Seven: Graded Test
9. Further Learning Session Seven: Downloadable Handouts
10. Further Learning Session Seven: Discussion Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Seven: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: Multiple functions of HMOs (0:45)
EXTRA VIDEO: HMOs and food allergies (1:08)
EXTRA VIDEO: HMOs and antimicrobial resistance (0:50)
EXTRA VIDEO: HMOs and HIV (1:36)
EXTRA VIDEO: Breastfeeding and infant brain development (1:35)
EXTRA VIDEO: Gut microbes and infant brain development (1:43)
Session 8. Expressed milk and donor milk
1. Session Eight - Learning objectives
2. Expressed breast milk
3. VIDEO: Expressed breast milk (1:24)
4. Peer-to-peer sharing, wet-nursing and donor milk
5. VIDEO: Microbes in donor breast milk (1:33)
6. HMOs in donor breast milk
7. VIDEO: HMOs in donor breast milk (1:46)
8. Incubating mothers milk in donor breast milk
9. Session Eight: Science references
10. Session Eight - Graded Test
11. Session Eight - Downloadable Handouts
12. Session Eight: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Eight Further Learning: The protective power of breast milk
1. The protective power of breast milk
2. SUGGESTED READING: Articles relating to the protective power of milk
3. Further Learning Session Eight: Scientific references
4. Further Learning Session Eight: Graded Test
5. Further Learning Session Eight: Downloadable Handouts
6. Further Learning Session Eight: Discussion Forum (to discuss and reflect on course content)
Session Eight: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO:Are HMOs the the keys to infant health? (0:56)
EXTRA VIDEO: What happens if a baby does not receive HMOs? (0:57)
EXTRA VIDEO: Why do babies need breast milk? (1:06)
EXTRA VIDEO: Connection between HMOs, microbes & infant health (0:37)
EXTRA VIDEO: What are the implications of not breastfeeding? (0:46)
Session 9. HMOs and infant formula
1. Session Nine- Learning objectives
2. Adding HMOs to infant formula
3. VIDEO: Why add HMOs to infant formula? (1:34)
4. Non-digestible carbohydrates and synthetic HMOs ?
5. VIDEO: How are HMOs synthetically produced (1:13)
6. HMOS added to infant formula and secretor status
7. VIDEO: HMOs added to infant formula and secretor status (1:00)
8. Results of clinical study of HMOs added to infant formula
9. VIDEO: How many types of HMOs are being added to infant formula? (2:18)
10.Are HMOs added to infant formula the same as HMOs in human milk?
11. VIDEO: Are HMOs added to infant formula exactly the same as HMOs in human milk? (2:49)
12. Impact on infant health of not receiving HMOs in human milk
13. VIDEO: How does adding HMOs to infant formula impact health? (2:48)
14. Session Nine: Science references
15. Session Nine - Graded Test
16. Session Nine - Downloadable Handouts
17. Session Nine: Discussion Forum and Reflection on Learning
Session Nine Further Learning: More on infant formula
1. Impact of formula-feeding on infant health
2. VIDEO: Long-term risks for infant health (1:21)
3. Could one bottle of infant formula impact infant health?
4. VIDEO: Could one bottle of infant formula impact infant health? (1:53)
5. Take-home messages
6. VIDEO: Your take-home message (2:08)
7. Further Learning Session Nine: Scientific references
8. Further Learning Session Nine: Graded Test
10. Further Learning Session Nine: Downloadable Handouts
8. Further Learning Session Nine: Discussion Forum (to reflect on course content)
Session Nine: Bonus Extras
EXTRA VIDEO: Could infant formula ever match human breast milk? (0:44)
EXTRA VIDEO: Long-term risks of formula feeding (1:00)
EXTRA VIDEO: How does formula feeding impact the infant gut microbiome? (0:58)
EXTRA VIDEO: Why are formula-fed infants more likely to be colonised by pathogens? (0:43)
EXTRA VIDEO: Are HMOs in infant formula the same as HMOs in human milk? (0:57)
Evaluation Form, Certificate of Completion & Course Downloads
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Scientific References - All sessions - Download
Course Handouts - Downloads
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5. VIDEO: Is a baby born ‘sterile’?
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